Pre-Operative Instructions
Instructions for Specific Types of Anesthesia
Together, you and your dentist will discuss the dental procedure to be completed, as well as the type of anesthesia you will receive. The different types of anesthesias require different pre-operative instructions. If you have any questions regarding these choices, you should contact Dr. Fortner prior to surgery.
Local and/or Nitrous Oxide
Little or no special preparation for either of these types of anesthesia is required other than a current medical history.
Oral Pre-medication
- You must take the medication 45 minutes prior to your appointment.
- You must not drive for 12 hours following taking this medication.
- You must have someone drive you both to and from your appointment.
- You must sign your consent form and give us an updated medical history prior to taking this medication.
Intravenous "IV" Sedation
- To reduce the chances of nausea, do not eat or drink anything (including water) for at least six (6) hours prior to your appointment.
- If your surgery is in the morning, do not eat or drink anything between bedtime and your scheduled appointment.
- If your surgery is in the afternoon, a light breakfast before 7:00 a.m. is encouraged.
- Unless specified by Dr. Fortner, all medicines taken on a routine basis should be continued without interruption. Please take your normal medications with a minimal amount of water.
- A responsible adult, over 18 years of age, should accompany you to the office and remain with you throughout the entire procedure. Following the sedation, this responsible adult should remain with you for the next 24 hours.
- Minors (persons under the age of 18 years) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
- If receiving intravenous "IV" sedation, you should wear clothing that is not restricting to the neck or arms. You should wear loose-fitting tops on which the sleeves can be rolled up to the shoulder.
- Contact lenses must be removed prior to sedation.
- Following the sedation, you should refrain from driving an automobile or from engaging in any activity that requires alertness for the next 24 hours.